So, um, here we are again, right? Shall I just evade the fact that I haven't posted since August, or shall I own up to it?! All right, I'll own up to it and extend my sincere apologies, especially to the grandmothers, who were in the habit of checking this blog often for news about their little West-Coast sweetpea.
OK, where to begin? I guess starting with Hunter's birth is the best place. So, as we all know, that was in October. From the very first days of his life, Maya has adored and doted on her brother. Seeing this love she has for him (and recently, him for her) brings me so much joy. Maya likes to smile at and use baby talk with her little guy, and she gets mightily annoyed if we don't invite her to place Hunter's blanket over his body before we take him outside in his carseat. The two of them also have a game that involves Maya placing a blanket on Hunter's legs and Hunter kicking it off. They both find that HI-lar-i-ous. Maya also likes to invite Hunter into her bed with her, and give him kisses. Lately she has accompanied me to the infant room at St. Michael's to help stock Hunter's bin with supplies. (Hunter starts daycare in two days, and that will likely be the subject of future posts on Hunter's as-yet-unstarted blog...*)
For many weeks after we brought Hunter home, Maya seemed a little stressed (understandable) and also pretty mad at me (understandable, but very sad for me). Adding to the anxiety was my inability to pick Maya up or carry her until I'd healed from the surgery. That was difficult on both of us; I was eager to show her that I still loved her and could comfort her despite the new little being in our home.
However, things are better now! Not perfect, mind you, but better. Some days are better than others, but I think it helps that Hunter's been around for four months now, and Maya's really gotten used to his presence. Now that he has a personality, he cries less and requires a little less of my time.
Maya continues to do well in school. We think she's generally well-liked, because she has lately been receiving many birthday-party invitations from schoolmates. Unfortunately, her best friend, Shyre, has left school and is moving with her family to---of all places---Northern Virginia! That has been an adjustment for Maya. Her other best friend, Justin (pictured here with Maya at Sand Dune Park), who lives upstairs from us, will be moving with his family to Oregon next month. Unfortunately, it's possible we'll not see them again after they move. We'll likely see Shyre, though, whenever we travel to Falls Church to visit family. Yay! (And of course, when we finally move to the DC area ourselves.)
Other news in Mayaland is that she continues to be super-chatty, literally talking all day long, and asking "Why?" questions to the point where no answer exists ("Why are we not at the store yet?" "Well Maya, we just aren't"). Some days I'm home with her I actually find myself hoarse, with a sore throat, by evening, because I've spent hours answering her questions.
Maya's physical and motor development are cruising along. She's all excited that she can now jump on one foot and do a somersault. She's a good climber with a good sense of balance, too; yet she generally knows the limits of what's safe.
Lately I notice her doing a lot more "pretend play," such as putting her teddy bears to bed (thanks, Mom, for sending those!) and cradling a doll in her arms. This type of thing is sweet to watch.
I'm a little concerned about Maya's hearing and have asked the pediatrician about it. She's asked me to bring Maya in as soon as is convenient, and we'll start on the process of determining why Maya often says, "What, Mama? I can't hear you." I'm pretty scared, to tell you the truth, but am trying not to panic. The explanation could be as simple as earwax buildup or inner-ear fluid.
*I have a template for a blog for Hunter (thanks to technology-oriented friend Derek), but I'm finding it difficult to navigate and figure out. If I continue to have trouble, I'll get a makeshift blog for him set up here on Blogger, then I'll migrate it back over to Wordpress once I'm feeling capable. I'll keep you updated on that.