Zombie Baby is on the loose!
Maya is doing quite a bit of walking these days. Her style is best described as “lurching unsteadily forward, somewhat stiff-legged.” She looks like the world’s cutest, smallest, and most benevolent zombie. Yesterday I watched her lurch from one end of her daycare room to the other while carrying a spoon. That’s the other funny thing: Maya prefers to carry something with her when she walks. I’ve heard this is common among new walkers.
This morning Maya lurched from the living room to the kitchen. She’s also lurched from the hallway to the bathroom, and from the sofa to the front door. It’s super-exciting and fun to watch. It seems to me she might be walking exclusively by June! (She still crawls when she feels she must get somewhere in a hurry. She also does a caveman scuttle: moving forward on hands and feet. She’s like evolution personified!)
Maya is also repeating words and sounds. When Seth or I sneeze, she’ll go, “Ah-choo!” When I say, “Thank you!” after Maya offers me a bit of her dinner, she’ll say, “Tan-yoo!” And she still says, “Heh-yo!” when she pretends to talk on a phone. It’s all very adorable.
Maya’s eating is unpredictable and sporadic at best, which is really driving Seth and me crazy. As we all know, she’s very small, so she needs all the calories, fat, and protein she can get. So when she goes an entire day subsisting on some crackers, some avocado, and some bread, it worries me. I’ve asked the doctor about starting her on a multivitamin and am waiting to hear back.
Tomorrow is “picture day” at daycare! Too funny. So, I’ll send Maya in with her Easter dress and shoes and hope for the best. Seth made a good point: They’d better photograph the babies early in the day, before their hands, faces, and hair are caked with food and dirt!
We’ve also got an appointment at a local kids’ photography studio for Maya’s one-year portrait. Should be an interesting experience.