Saturday, February 17, 2007

We Kingsleys are sick and tired of being sick. And tired.
As you know, Maya and I (her mom) spent the past seven days being very ill---Maya, especially. Poor Maya: "Rotovirus" kicked her teeny, soft little butt for a full six days. Those were six of the scariest days of my life. Maya was vomiting, suffering explosive diarrhea, and barely eating or drinking for nearly a full week. Her behavior was frightening, too. She was often fatigued, sad, and listless.
On the advice of the pediatrician, we took Maya to the ER on Monday afternoon, at about 1:30. Door to door and back again, the entire trip spanned 8 hours! After waiting for four hours in the waiting room, Maya finally scored a room and was subjected to a fluid I.V., blood tests, and some gently forced Pedialyte. Maya was also diagnosed with an infection in each eye. We left around 9:00 p.m.
The following day, Tuesday, I experienced a second wave of the virus, after undergoing the first on Sunday and feeling a bit better Monday. Seth had to come home from work early to help me care for myself and Maya. Nightmare.
Today's Saturday, and Maya's tummy troubles seem to be gone---knock on wood---and her appetite back. I feel better, too. I'm trying to steer clear of overly fatty or seasoned foods, however. Don't want to trigger anything.
On a follow-up trip to the pediatrician's office (our home away from home) Monday morning, Maya was also diagnosed with yet another infection in both ears. We are treating that with a low-dose antibiotic, with a back-up high-dose antibiotic on standby if needed. Between the Prevacid, eye ointment, and oral antibiotics (not to mention the occasional inhaler puff), I'm forced once again to write all of Maya's meds down so I don't forget any of them.
Still, though, I'm always grateful Maya's ills are not more serious. She may very well outgrow all of them.

In other news, Maya is cruising! Her steps are small and tentative, and she seems to sometimes spook herself, but still, it's progress! She continues to say about 100 "Dadas" for every one "Mama," but that's OK. Today she was exploring my navel, and when I said, "belly button," Maya said "ba ba." Close!

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