Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Maya is a little songbird. It's getting to the point now where I can figure out what songs they're teaching her at daycare by the little bits she sings at home. For instance, yesterday Maya spontaneously cupped one hand over the other, swung her arms back and forth, and sang, "baby bumbabee..." which I instantly recognized as that "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee" song! So I said, "Oh, Mama knows that one too, Maya!" and I started singing it, which got her very excited, and the rest of the day, Maya would catch my eye and start singing, "baby bumbabee..." to get me to join in. She loves the part that goes, "Ow! He stung me!" She also sings bits of that Skidamarink song ("Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink, skidamarink-a-doo. I love you!"), Twinkle Twinkle, and Itsy-Bitsy Spider. The really impressive thing is that when she sings her little bits of these songs, she's almost pitch-perfect. It really astounds Seth and me.
From what I can tell and what the teachers at St. Michael's tell me, Maya loooooooves music and singing. And when she does her little dances, it's very, very adorable.
I have to admit something: I love kids' songs. I mean, not the stupid ones, like the Barney theme song, but the good ones and the classics. Half the time when I play kids' songs for Maya, I'm actually doing it for my own enjoyment. Hee hee.
Maya is also running now. Hoo-boy. She recently spent about ten minutes tearing up and down the aisles of Borders book store, making somewhat loud "woo!" noises as she ran. She also does this thing that resembles the beginning of a somersault: She bends at the waist and peeks between her legs, with her head upside-down.
Oh! I nearly forgot to mention her most-funny new vocab addition: "Yeah." She'll say it while vigorously nodding her head. An example:
Me: "Maya, would you like a cookie?"
Maya: "Yeah!" (nods enthusiastically)

On the flip side, Maya throws brief, mini-tantrums when she's hellbent against doing something. She bends into a backward "C" shape and cries angrily. The good news is that these episodes don't last long. She can be distracted out of them.

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